Holistic Self Care
*written for Crose Nest
Self-care is a trendy topic these days, and it's no wonder! It seems that our lifestyle gets more and more fast-paced with each passing year, leading to lots of folks feeling burned out. I always appreciate the phrase "You can't draw water from an empty well."
Your well is your life force, the energy that sustains you and motivates you through life. Drawing water can mean taking care of others, going to work, being in relationship with anyone, creating anything, and so much more. None of these things are intrinsically bad. But if you notice yourself becoming resentful about any of these, it is a good sign that it's time to refill your own well, through practicing holistic self-care.
While taking care of our bodies through exercise, food, and personal care are very important aspects of self-care, I'm starting to explore categorizing self-care beyond just this physical level. You simply can't face-mask, jog, and green-juice away too much mind-numbing screen time and the inability to genuinely express your emotions.
And so, I've broken the aspects of self-care into four equal groups:
Physical Self-Care, or caring for your vehicle
Mental Self-Care, or caring for your mind
Emotional Self-Care, or caring for your heart
and Spiritual Self-Care, caring for your soul
I've also added suggestions to each category, not to be accomplished as a checklist, but to spark your imagination and give a good starting point.
Physical - Your Vehicle
nourishment (love-based nutrition)
herbal medicine
bodywork like massage
energy clearing
Physical self-care suggestions for Winter
Practice gentle movement like Yoga, Tai Chi, or walking in nature
Eat warm, well cooked food in good company
Drink warming teas like ginger, elder flower, or chai to build warmth and immunity
Massage your body with sesame, olive, or coconut oil before or after a shower or bath - at least once a week!
Stay hydrated - add a splash of lemon or ginger to water, or drink warm water only
Mental - Your Mind
affirmations / mantra
quiet time
less screen time
practicing deep presence
learning new and exciting things
witnessing the monkey mind in action
Mental self-care suggestions
Affirmation: I give myself permission to be extra sweet to myself, especially when I'm feeling critical of myself or others.
Loving-Kindness Meditation: repeat this mantra, first saying for yourself, then someone you love or someone you are having a hard time with, and then for all beings. May I be safe, may I be healthy, may I be happy. May my life be filled with ease. May you be safe, may you be healthy, may you be happy...
Set a "quiet time" daily alarm on your phone, and give yourself 10 minutes of uninterrupted space: sit or lie down, close your eyes, and allow yourself to do absolutely nothing but breathe and relax. If you have an anxious nervous system or often feel overstimulated, put in headphones and play a soothing track, burn some incense, and put an eye pillow over your eyes.
Emotional - Your Heart
journaling (no filter)
expressing / voicing your needs
permission to feel ALL your feelings without judgement
giving and receiving love
caring for someone or something
Emotional self-care suggestions
Start a journaling practice: not to document your life, but to freely and honestly express your thoughts and feelings. A great place to start is Julia Cameron's Morning Pages exercise.
Start noticing how it feels for you to give and express love - to a friend, to family, to your significant other, to a pet, to a child. And notice how you feel as you're receiving love from any of these beings.
Explore the 5 Love Languages, and notice how you like to receive and give love.
Take some time to sit and listen to music that really moves you. Notice how it makes you feel.
Spiritual - Your Soul
spending time in wonder / awe
time with soul family
belly laughing
sharing your uniqueness with the world
imagination & creating
connecting with something greater
Spiritual self-care suggestions
Connect with your childhood self: what activities did you really enjoy? How did you enjoy expressing your creativity? Through art, dance, music, writing? Start exploring those avenues again, or explore new ones. Creating is soul food.
Organize a gathering with folks who love, support, and energize you, and have a good time!
Spend time in nature. (Yes, even in the cold!) Notice what is going on around you, like a curious child. Are there birds, animals, leaves, living plants, dead stalks, snow, frost, is the ground frozen or soft... ? Breathe it in.
Read a book of philosophy, poetry, or a spiritual, religious, or inspirational text that makes you feel energized, empowered, connected, and alive.